Mg. Leandro Garber
artist, teacher, programmer and data scientist
based in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Degree (licenciatura) in Electronic Arts
Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero
Master degree in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Teaches creative coding at
“Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero”
Coordinates a research group focused on
generative and explorative machine learning algorithms at
MUNTREF Art and Science
Data scientist position at the “Centro Interdisciplinario de
Investigaciones en Psicología, Matemática y Experimental”
Current projects

AudioStellar is an open source corpus-based musical instrument for latent sound structure discovery and experimentation. It processes a user selected folder containing audio files and generates an intelligent sound map placing each audio file as a point in a 2D space. Nearby points correspond to spectrally similar sounds (i.e similar timbre) while far away points are dissimilar ones. The concept of a 2D space (i.e latent space) where sounds lie is an interesting abstraction that redefines the artist relation with the sonic material and a fertile terrain for research. With a focus on the visual feedback, AudioStellar features novel composition and sound design possibilities for sound artists while providing a software framework for researchers of other fields.
Exhibition History

AudioStellar en Vértigo [2021]
Participative sound installation
Centro de Arte Sonoro
Sound collaboration carried out by Leandro Garber and Julio Nusdeo during their residence at CASo. It's a cross between AudioStellar and the free improvisation and feedback found in the instruments made by Nusdeo. An ensemble that takes place between digital and real-world instances, intermodulated and intervened by springs, strings and scrap material, fed back by AudioStellar's actions. Visitors are welcome to explore different creative ways to actuate the instruments.

Estructuras latentes en la naturaleza compleja del habla [2021]
Installation, AudioStellar
Bienal Sur
A project by AudioStellar and Intercambios Transorgánicos. Using artificial intelligence algorithms, we record fragments of visitors's voices in order to create an interactive constellation of diverse voices. Visitors can interact with the different sound constellations by moving their arms and play along with an stochastic sonic system.
Neural Networks Experiments #0 [2018]
Installation, artificial neural networks
El Oceanario club cultural, Buenos Aires, Argentina
First duo exhibition with Pablo Riera (sound design). An initial demonstration of our recent experiments with generative artificial neural networks. Datasets used: Pictures of women from Wikipedia and artist Miguela Pannelli's body and artwork

Retratos imaginarios [2017]
Algorithmic, generative image, net-art
The Wrong Biennale // “Displacements” virtual pavilion
Generative piece where particles that follow different non deterministic algorithms draw in a virtual canvas revealing portraits of non-existing people. Each portrait is illustrated in real time and changes between each visit.

Retratos [2016]
Installation, projection mapping
Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo, Montevideo, Uruguay
Stereoscopic portraits featuring dystopic models
B L O W J O B #8 [2016]
Video object, machine learning
Casa ZUR, Buenos Aires, Argentina
A machine learning system captures the gaze of actresses from random pornographic videos in the internet. The result is watched through a black box.

Memoria de instantes aleatorios [2015]
ArteXArte gallery // “La certeza del error” exhibition, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Resignification of garbage data.
B L O W J O B #7 [2014]
Installation, tablet and mobile phones
MUNTREF // Premio UNTREF a las Artes Electrónicas, finalist, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dystopic experience where spectators enter a booth and caress tablets and mobile phones depicting the gaze of actresses from random pornographic videos in the internet.
B L O W J O B #2 [2012-2013]
Installation, projection mapping
Multiple venues: Universidad de Córdoba, UNTREF, and Palais de glace
Dystopic experience where spectators enter a booth and caress tablets and mobile phones depicting the gaze of actresses from random pornographic videos in the internet.
- Garber, Leandro, Ciccola, Tomás, Amusategui, Juan Cruz. 2020. “AudioStellar, an open source corpus-based musical instrument for latent sound structure discovery and sonic experimentation”. International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2020)
- Rosemberg, Celia, Florencia Alam, Cynthia Audisio, María Ramírez, Maia Migdalek, and Leandro Garber. 2020. “Nouns and Verbs in the Linguistic Environment of Argentinian Toddlers: Socioeconomic and Context-Related Differences.” First Language. https://doi.org/10.1177/0142723719901226.
- Alam, Florencia, Leandro Garber, Celia Rosemberg, and Maia Migdalek. 2019. “Variation Sets in Child Directed Speech to Argentinian Toddlers. Effects of SES and Type of Activity Assessed in a Naturalistic Study.” In Child Language Symposium 2019.
- Rosemberg, Celia, Florencia Alam, Laura Ramirez, Cynthia Audisio, Leandro Garber, and Maia Migdalek. 2019. “Are SES Differences Related to the Proportion of Nouns and Verbs in Toddler’s Linguistic Environment? A Study with an Argentinean Spanish-Speaking Population.” In Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD 2019)
- Rosemberg, Celia, Florencia Alam, Laura Ramirez, Leandro Garber, and Carla Giordano. 2019. “Semantics-Specificity of Child Directed Speech across Activities in Socio-Economically Diverse Households.” In Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development (LCICD 2019).
- Rosemberg, Celia, Florencia Alam, Leandro Garber, Alejandra Stein, and Maia Migdalek. 2019. “Socio-Economic Related Differences in the Use of Variation Sets in Naturalistic Child Directed Speech. A Study with Argentinian Population.” In 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (COGSCI 2019).
Talks, oral presentations, workshops, residences
- Hackaton organizer at BILIA (BIenal Latinoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial), Ciudad de México
- Residence at Centro de Arte Sonoro
- Workshop at conferences: NIME (New Interfaces for Music Expression) and ICMC (International Computer Music Conference)
- i3a: AI for Artists Course @ CC Matienzo. http://i3a.gitlab.io/
- Talks about AI & art at MALBA.
- Hackaton mentor at MUTEK.
- Activity on machine learning and sound at DuraznoConf, Uruguay.
- AudioStellar demo at "New Interfaces for Musical Expression" NIME, Porto Alegre, Brasil.
- Oral presentation about AudioStellar at "Mundos Sonoros" sound art symposium, UNTREF
- Poster presentation about dimensionality reduction methods on short audio clips at Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS), Instituto Di Tella
- Coordination of the sonic exploration open day at MUNTREF Arte y Ciencia
- Linux & Raspberry Pi workshop at UNTREF.